October 2020, Czechia.

via: http://michalkolesar.net

“I am tired of counting our rescue actions. So I will just write that in a few nights we took out of grief and suffering 217 hens.

There are places we visit more that once. We remember how girls look shortly after they are stocked in these halls. They are calm, they let us pet them and hold them in our arms, people in safe homes are often amazed how beautiful they are. The time goes by, some are dying, some are surviving and those who are still alive are loosing their minds, strength and will to live. To every tiny impulse they react insanely, they are frightened by light, sound, they scream a lot and flap their wings and people in their safe homes pity them and tell us that it’s so terrible what people did to them. We sometimes go to rescue them just a couple of days before human hands snatch them out of their suffering just to load them into transport to be slaughtered. In their last days those animals are lethargic, surrendered and some of them will not survive this even in their new home. I already know this when I take them in my arms.

In safe homes people tell us how terrible the battery cages are and we tell them that those girls we saved look terrible but they are not from the battery cages. We tell them that the misery is everywhere but not widely publicised and popular. Some lie that battery cages are better than aviary or cage free systems, others lie that they are worse or at least they repeat their strategical crap. Both these liars invoke common sense and emotion.

But who does it hurt? For example these girls from aviary system.”

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