Are you in South West UK? Join Bristol Animal Rights Collective for a very interesting talk about animal rights, indigenous struggles and the fight of animal and human liberation in Mexico. We’ve also heard they will be sorting out another workshop in London so keep your eyes open!

“Learn about the history, challenges, victories and hopes of the Mexican AR movement. Learn what it is like to fight for animal and human liberation from the perspective of a Native American and an anti-speciesist queer activist.

Gerardo Tristan/Wotko is a Nahuatl, anti-speciesist and queer activist and community organiser from Monterrey, Mexico with over 30 years of experience working on a wide range of social issues such as indigenous/lgbtq /animal rights and food justice. From working as a coordinator of an international students group volunteering in the mountains of central Mexico helping indigenous coffee cooperatives in the summer of 2002 to being a collaborator at the Zapatista’s (EZLN) peace talk process during the spring of 1994, Gerardo has always been involved in vital issues in his country. In the fall of 2015 Gerardo founded FaunAccion, in CDMX. The group’s mission is to empower activists and agents of change by providing them with education and relevant tools for their activism. Currently Gerardo is working on two food justice projects: El Molcajete, a food education program on wheels in Mexico and The Chestnut Tree Reclamation Project in TN, USA.”

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